The top web sites for information and disability issues!
Disability related sites:
This site is a member of WebRing. To browse visit here.
Meeting people
A good way to meet lots of people is this web site, set up simply as a meeting place for gay men and women with or with out disabilitys. Its very safe and you can even make an Email addy with them so you dont have to give out your home address :o)
Promoting ability & genrel disability.
SeeAbility is a registered charity working with adults who are blind or partially sighted and have a range of additional disabilities.
specific disabilitys
The most fun and funky ME/CFS chat you will ever find!! The home of allyooooop's and 100's of others!
This is a great site for info on ME, its the association for young people with ME.
Goverment run or information
The British Council of Disabled People (BCODP) was set up by disabled people in 1981 to promote our full equality and participation within society. We are an umbrella organisation that represents some 130+ organisations run by disabled people
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